Who we are and what we stand for.


A paradigm-shifting community of reciprocity for artists and audiences.


We present visionary concert experiences where artists and audiences co-create a new shared reality empowered by dynamic patronage.


We believe in the power of art to change [not the world] but ourselves. That’s why we sit in a room together; we watch it move between us. We sometimes articulate it in music or words, but mostly— we experience it.


Like waves, in and out.


Rather than only thinking or talking about creation, we value DOING. We get shit done. It may scare us, it may not end up what we expected BUT we value making something, regrouping, and learning from what we’ve made.


We believe the act of patronage is the act of community co-creation. We think artists need the time, space, and support to make quality, impactful art. Patrons open the space for artists to sit with their instruments, their ideas, their process.


We invite chaotic good.


Recognizing that slowness, attention, wandering, and silence are where ideas and creativity thrive. Honoring this need in how we build our organization, how we structure our events, and how we show up for one another. (spaciousness)


What We Value (in progress)


Creating sustainable beauty, together

Wave Chamber Collective